
I just wanted to send you a note saying how grateful I am for the work and guidance you’ve given, and to let you know that you have had a big, positive influence on me in my spiritual life, path, and journey. Thank you. You will always have a place in my heart. — Derek L., Canada

Every Oneness Quest program I’ve participated in has been a blessing and has given me what I think of as “practical applications” of spirituality when so much of what’s offered out there is simply theory. — R.T., Georgia

I cannot express in words my feelings and gratitude for you, your continued work and dedication, and how what you’ve allowed me to experience and taught me has changed my life, thus affecting many others around me. — Barbara Muller, Alaska

Sometimes you may wonder about the impact that the Oneness Quest has. The experiences I have had there continue to mean a great deal in my life and in the lives of others. — Will F., Virginia

I struggle with allowing myself to see who I really am, and you have gifted me with the ability to see myself… even my well-developed ego and defenses were silenced, and I was brought to tears with the reflection of self…I will always remain grateful to both of you for this reflection.
— Karl D., NY

You have touched my life in ways I cannot begin to express.— Erik W., Ohio

Thank you for all that you do to bring the teachings that the Oneness Quest shares. You are a great blessing to many people. — Holly H., California

I wanted to write a short note to thank you for all the goodness that’s come my way through you: Vision Quest experiences, Quest training, and philosophy class experiences. Thanks so much for all that’s been transformational for me. — Joe S., Massachusetts